Apr 25, 2019
3 min read
The relationship between designers and developers is a crucial one, as they work together to bring designs to life as practical, useful products. However, this relationship can sometimes be fraught with challenges, such as requests for specific file types or the need for more detailed communication.
It is widely acknowledged that the relationship between developers and UI designers has had its share of challenges. However, these issues can often be resolved through simple steps such as:
1. Communication

Obtaining feedback and input from the development team at the final stage of the design process can be incredibly beneficial. However, incorporating their input and perspectives from the beginning of the design process can lead to even greater success.
While it may require more time and effort from the development team, it is crucial to effectively plan and organize in order to achieve a valuable and meaningful collaboration. Ultimately, the goal is not to be at odds with one another, but to work together to create something exceptional.
2. Become a "master of your domain"
It’s not uncommon for developers to make requests that may seem unnecessary or trivial to designers. For instance, a developer may ask for a simple graphical asset to be exported in a specific file format.
However, it’s important to remember that developers are experts in their field, and their requests may be based on technical considerations. To avoid misunderstandings, it’s essential for designers to have a basic understanding of UI development, and to anticipate how designs will be implemented in code.
This can help designers make more informed decisions and better support the development team in achieving their goals.
3. Provide necessary materials

Style Guide by Steph jeong
for ueno
Creating mockups is just the beginning of the design process. In order to ensure consistency throughout the development and implementation of the project, it's important to provide detailed documentation, such as a style guide. This guide should include information on colors, typography, and input behaviors, among other elements, to provide clear guidance for the development team. Your job as a designer does not end with the delivery of mockups, but it continues until the project is fully implemented and completed. (know more about the style guide).
What causes the conflict is...
Design is more than just a collection of assets and specifications to be implemented in a software development tool. It is a unique creation, akin to a child, that requires care and attention to every detail. While it is important for designers to strive for perfection, it is also important to remember that the ultimate goal is to work together with the development team to create something great.
Having a singular focus on perfection at the expense of collaboration can lead to issues and conflicts. It’s important for designers to have a balanced approach and understand the importance of working towards a common goal with the development team.